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  Examination Items Information Sex Fee
Ophthalmology Digital fundus photography Check macula of retina. $1,600
Hearing Test Pure Tone Audiometry Ear hearing test. $500
Diabetes Tests Hemoglobin A1c To show the average level of blood sugar over the previous 3 months. $300
Thyroid Function T3 Hyperthyroidism、Hypothyroidism. $400
Tumor Markers Screening Alpha-Fetoprotein Liver tumor, reproductive organ tumor. $600
Carcinoembryonic Antigen Digestive system tumors, lung cancer, etc. $600
Prostate Specific Antigen Prostate tumor. $600
Epstein-Barr Virus Antibody-IgA Nasopharyngeal cancer. $800
Cancer Antigen 125 Ovarian tumor and other female reproductive system tumor. $600
Cancer Antigen 15-3 Breast tumor $800
Cancer Antigen 19-9 Pancreatic tumor and intra- abdominal organ tumors. $800
CYFRA 21-1 肺癌篩檢指標 $1,000
X-Ray Abdominal X-Ray Evaluate the bony struture and soft tissue of abdomen. $350
Lumbar Spine X-Ray Evalutate the spine structure and disease. $350
C-spine X-ray Evalutate the spine structure and disease. $350
Bone density examination Bone density examination-Lumbar Spine (DEXA) Detection of osteoporosis or osteopenia. $1,000
Bone density examination-Hip (DEXA) Detection of osteoporosis or osteopenia. $1,000
Digest System Gastroscopy Esophagitis, gastritis, duodenitis, or polyp, ulcer, tumor of the upper GI tract. $2,000
Colonoscopy Hemorrhoids, polyp, tumor, ulcer, colitis, diverticulum. $4,000
Urea Breath Test 1. Patients of chronic gastritis ,indigestion, or peptic ulcer2. Check for H.P relapse after a course of therapy $1,500
麻醉 anesthesia During endoscopy, a professional anesthesia team performs a shallow sleep anesthesia to relax your body and mind. $6,000
Cardiac Function Tests Echocardiography To evaluate the heart size, valvular abnormalities , congenital heart defects, myocardial infarction, tumor, etc. $4,000
Arterial Examination Ankle-brachial index (ABI) To assess atherosclerotic disease risk. $1,500
Carotid Ultrasound To evaluate the patency of carotid artery and risk for cerebrovascular disease. $3,000
Ultrasonic Inspection Abdominal Sonography Diseases and structural abnormalities of liver, gallbladder, kidneys, pancreas and spleen. $1,500
Thyroid Sonography For detection of goiter, thyroid cancer, thyroiditis, and assessment of thyroid nodule $1,500
Male Urological Examination Transrectal Ultrasonography (TRUS) of Prostate Evaluate tumor of external genitalia and prostate, and benign prostatic hypertrophy. $1,200
Gynecologic Examination Gynecological Ultrasound Check for presence of uterine, ovarian and adnexal abnormalities. $1,200
Pap Smear Evaluate cervicitis, cervical erosion, and cervical cancer. $350
Liquid-based Pap Testing Uses special instruments to increase the accuracy of cervical cancer detection. $1,500
HPV Genotyping The test can detect more than 10 HPV genotypes.Cervical Cancer has been highly linked to a virus known as human papilloma virus (HPV). An exam for HPV will assess risk for cervical cancer. $1,800
Breast Examination Breast Ultrasound To evaluate if there is tumor, cyst, fibroadenoma, etc. $2,000
Mammogrophy To evaluate any early pathological changes cannot be detected by palpation. $2,800
抗老化醫學 Telomere 端粒位於染色體末端,就像鞋帶末端的微小塑膠,保護染色體免於磨損或凋亡,也就是老化。細胞老化會增加罹病風險,如:失智、心血管、糖尿病和癌症等疾病。藉由細胞內的DNA剖析端粒的秘密,找出逆齡的關鍵,及戰勝老化的方法。 $7,000
Pulmonary Function Tests Forced Vital Capacity Lung function,vital capacity, pulmonary ventilation volume, expiratory flow rate, obstructive pulmonary diseases, and restrictive pulmonary diseases. $500
身心檢測 Heart Rate Variability Evaluation of personal mental health status. $1,500
Functional medicine Xestro-TOX Analysis (Urine) 環境荷爾蒙進入體內會擾亂內分泌功能。許多醫學文獻指出環境荷爾蒙與不孕症、乳癌、卵巢癌、子宮內膜異位、性早熟、前列腺癌、睪丸癌和精蟲數量不足等有密切相關。 $4,600
Medical Imaging Examination Low Dose Lung CT The low dose lung CT scan is a noninvasive medical examination to detect small lesions in lung, which helps to screening the lung caner at an early stage. $6,000
Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring Measuring the amount of calcification in the coronary arteries predicts the possibility of coronary artery stenosis. $7,000
(Coronary computed tomography angiography,CCTA)-including contrast media fee To evaluate the severity of coronary arteriosclerosis, even to make an early prediction of the possibility of coronary heart diseases and coronary stenosis. $18,000
Medical Imaging Examination Head MRI Screen for cranial nerve disorders such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, and cerebellar atrophy. $10,000
Pelvic MRI Detection of the pelvic cavity includes (female: uterus, ovary, bladder) (male: bladder, prostate, intestine) whether there is a disease. $10,000
Tumor Cancer MRI Includes MRI examination for eight major areas: head, neck, chest, upper abdominal, pelvic cavity, cervical vertebra, thoracic vertebra, and lumbar vertebra (one scanned image per 0.5-1.0 centimeter). $42,000
Cerebrovascular MRI-Including contrast media fee Anatomical structural examination (cerebrum, cerebellum, brainstem, eyes, nasal cavity, nasopharynx, paranasal sinus, middle ear, inner ear, etc.) and MRI of carotid arteries and intracranial arterie. $20,000
Dementia testing Alzheimer's Disease ImmunoMagnetic Reduction Test Analyze plasma levels of trace tau protein and beta-amyloid 1-42 to screen for Alzheimer's disease risk. $11,000
ApoE Genotyping Report ApoE genotyping test, where ε4 is associated with a high risk of Alzheimer's disease. $1,900

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